Search for Diverse Community Groups in the Region

Search our entire database of more than 600 Diverse Community Groups in the Pittsburgh region by typing any keyword in the Search box. For example, you can search by a specific culture or community, city, zip code. If you are associated with an organization in the Pittsburgh region and do not see yourself included in our list but would like to be, please contact us at Listen to an interview given by former President and CEO Melanie Harrington and Research Assistant Jocelyn Codner on KQV’s Pittsburgh Profiles with Elaine Effort discussing this versatile tool (click here).



Join Vibrant Pittsburgh’s Diverse Community Groups Database

Diverse Community Groups are major assets in the region that provide critical support networks to their members and newcomers who connect with them. That is why we want to increase the visibility of diverse communities and their organizations and facilitate connections between groups and diverse new residents in the region.

As a member of our Pittsburgh community, we want to learn about your organization, your activities and networks. Please contact Vibrant Pittsburgh to learn more or to add your organization to our regional database of nearly 700 Diverse Community Groups.

Thanks for your participation!